Helló Mindenki!Senki ne gondolja, hogy a csere megállt és nincs is már tovább. Mert igenis folytatódik a csere, csak egy kicsit még várat magára a dolog. Már meg is van a labda új tulajdonosa, bár még a csere tárgya, hogy úgy mondjam…
Hello everyone!Even a month ago I have a basketball, which in turn gave me adice.This ball still want something else, something more valuable to exchange.Think about what it is that I have and there is…
Hello Everyone! Already two weeks have passed and you still have thebasketball, which will be exchanged for anything else, which is worth more than the ball.If there is something in your things you no longer…
Hi! I can not believe what happened!The Dice sold out! I'm happy owner of a basketball fromtomorrow morning. 12 There is no time that I started the gameand you can be the first exchange in a 24 hour…